产后如何丰胸效果最好 丰胸食物?分享这几个方法。产后由于身材和激素的变化 产后丰胸方法,胸部也会有所变化,而产后是胸部二次发育的时机 燕窝酒酿蛋,那么你知道要如何丰胸效果比较好呢?接下来小编就给大家分享几个方法吧 丰胸产品。 |
The Search for the Crew
February 16, 1979
Pan Am 707 (E459)
- Chief Pilot: Captain Harvey Benefield (Found)
- First Officer: Paul Frantz
- Engineer: Al Bekebrede (Found)
- Flight Attendant: Taffy Renzoni (Found)
- Flight Attendant: Jaroslaw "Laddy" Chrowat (Found)
- Flight Attendant: R. Reinke
- Flight Attendant: Betty Carter
- Flight Attendant: J. Horton
February 17, 1979
Freedom Flight I (E449)
- Chief Pilot: Captain Lawrence "Ned" Brown (Found: Deceased)
- First Officer: Captain Engels
Flight II (To Rome - E451)
- Chief Pilot: Captain William W. Malcolm (Found)
- First Officer: Captain Joe Greeley
- Senior Purser: Marion Von Heisermann (Lead: Laguardia Airport/New York/unlisted number)
February 18, 1979
Flight E449
- Pilot: Captain John Powers
- Flight Attendant: Taffy Renzoni (Found)
- Flight Attendant: Jaroslaw "Laddy" Chorwat (Found)
- Flight Attendant: Johannes Pigmans (Found)
Flight 451
February 21, 1979
Flight E449
E451 and another unknown flight to Frankfurt
Two Flights-- dates unknown
- Chief Pilot: Al Frink
- Senior Purser: Zita Valduga
- Senior Purser: Pat King (Found: Deceased)
- Steward: Brian Rice (Lead: Hicksville, NY/unlisted number)
Behind the Scenes Personnel
- Enrique (Rick) Rendon - Director, Passenger Services; Director, Cargo Services-Iran (Found)
- William Roy - Vice President, Operations Control
- Ben McLeod - Vice President, Communications
- Frank Motola - Director, Systems Operations Planning
- John Holland - System Director, Flight Attendants and Cabin Services
- Robert Bohannon - Director, Communications Engineering
- Richard (Dick) Cozzi - Director, Systems Operation Center
- Hope Walden - Manager, Flight Services Scheduling, Atlantic Division
- Donna Sanford - Manpower Control Coordinator